2 Timothy 1:7
“For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and love, and a sound mind” Later on in 2 Timothy 3:1 the Apostle Paul tells young Timothy that in the last day’s perilous times would come. We truly are living in such a time. A time when our faith is under attack as never before, where our morals are constantly being challenged, and a time when it’s wrong to persecute anyone except a Christian. But as Paul tells this young preacher God didn’t give us a spirit of fear. But we must also notice what He does give us: a Spirit of Power, a Spirit of Love, and a Spirit of a sound mind. These three cover every area of our lives that we will need anything while here on earth, until we are called to our heavenly home. The Spirit of power covers everything that is supernatural. Such as healings, miraculous healings, divine provision and such. The Spirit of Love covers all our dealings with other men for scripture says love overcomes a world of iniquity. The Spirit of a Sound mind of course covers our mental state. Our state of mind for the scripture also says that “as a man thinks in his heart so is he”. We do not have to give in to fear, fear is a spirit that is counterproductive to our faith. If one gives in to a spirit of fear everything that you have learned and stood upon up until this time can be undone. Fear is a powerful foe but it is not an undefeatable foe. In these perilous times place all your trust, and faith in your relationship with Jesus Christ and watch your fear melt away as the morning dew in the noon sun.
June 2019