In this morning’s service we are going to be baptizing individuals in water. Many ask the question why is water baptism important and do you have to be baptized in order to make it to heaven.
First of all there are many different views on the subject of baptism. Some believe you are saved when you are baptized, others believe that the act of baptism automatically makes you a member of the church. There are many other views that I don’t have room to discuss. In the Church of God we do believe in water baptism for it is clear in scripture that we are commanded to repent and be baptized.(Acts 2:38) However we do not believe that water baptism saves you. One can go down a dry sinner and come up a wet sinner. Only the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from sin. Only the confession of His name and the belief that He rose again can save you. Baptism is just a public act that states the old man is washed away and we are raised anew in Christ Jesus
June 2019